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UMS Software

Integrates with the XYZ Scanning Gantry and a modern oscilloscope.

Precision Acoustics UMS software is written in LabVIEW and meets the requirements of the latest IEC standard 62127-1 and NEMA UD-2 or measurement requirements of FDA 510(k) submission. It is regularly updated, as regulations change, and our staff can customise it for customers’ specific applications.
  • Automatically aligns the hydrophone to the beam maximum.
  • Includes software routines to ensure hydrophone is stationary before waveform is acquired.
  • Can automatically conduct linear or planar scans in any combination of directions e.g. transaxial (x,z or y,z) and transverse (x,y) and the system is not restricted to any primary axis.
  • Outputs data in “.txt” (ASCII) format for easy integration with other software packages.
  • Automatically computes standard acoustic parameters, including full waveform deconvolution.
  • Additional software will be included to automate the control of a customer-specified function generator to enable frequency scans.
UMS Software

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UMS Acoustic Parameters

The UMS software has been used to make FDA 510(k) submissions. It calculates the following acoustic parameters at a single hydrophone position. This requires that a calibrated hydrophone be used and we can supply a calibrated needle or membrane hydrophone for this purpose. All calculations are carried out according to the relevant international standards.

Acoustic Parameter Description
pr Peak rarefactional pressure
pc Peak compressional pressure
pr.3 Derated peak rarefactional pressure
pc.3 Derated peak compressional pressure
Isppa Spatial-peak pulse-average intensity
Isppa.3 Derated spatial-peak pulse-average intensity
MI Mechanical index
AWF Acoustic working frequency
Depth Distance to start of pulse
PD Pulse duration
PII Pulse-intensity integral
PII.3 Derated pulse-intensity integral

Other acoustic parameters can be derived from the above, including (but not restricted to) the following.

Acoustic Parameter Description
IOB (Output Beam intensity) Power divided by beam width measured from planar or orthogonal cross scan
Focal volume Combination of beam widths from transverse and axial scans
ISPTA (Spatial-peak temporal-average intensity) For a single-element transducer, PII divided by pulse repetition interval
ERA (Effective radiating area) The area close to the transducer through which most of the acoustic power passes
BNR (Beam non-uniformity ratio) The ratio of the spatial-peak temporal-average intensity to the spatial-average intensity, averaged over the effective radiating area

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